
LSJ September 2016

Fighting for Our Rule Book

The new Dean of Law at UNSW, Professor George Williams, AO, has big plans for the university. He wants it to have a greater presence overseas. At home, he wants to fight to protect Australia’s democracy. He talks to Julie McCrossin of his concerns about the gay marriage plebiscite, ASIO’s powers to strip people of […]

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Julie McCrossin

Julie McCrossin is dying to talk

Former ABC radio presenter and TV host, Julie McCrossin, was diagnosed with stage-four cancer three years ago. The cancer, now in remission, was in her tonsils, tongue and throat. Below, Julie answers questions from the Dying to Talk Discussion Starter. For support in starting the discussion with your loved ones, download it from If you

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Safeguarding Our Children

Can cultural and legislative change save the Catholic Church? The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is due to complete its work at the end of 2017. Even before it reports, distressing evidence at public hearings has put a heavy onus of responsibility on the people leading institutions to take steps to

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Cancer surivivors turn treatment masks into art at Casula Powerhouse

The masks are made of thermoplastic material, moulded to the face and then bolted to the treatment table during lifesaving radiation therapy for head and neck cancers. Once a day for one month, the former ABC broadcaster Julie McCrossin was tightened in, her head held rigid for 20 minutes, while a powerful precision x-ray zapped the cancer eating away at her tonsils, tongue and

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Extinction Busters

When Professor Tim Flannery spoke at an April fundraising dinner for the NSW EDO (Environmental Defenders Office), his description of the rate of extinctions in Australia brought a hushed silence to an audience of several hundred members of the legal community. Flannery’s commitment to preventative action is matched by the EDO’s Principal Solicitor and Chief

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bravery unmasked

bravery unmasked

Artists and cancer survivors have found meaning in their radiation masks after treatment thanks to an art program at Liverpool and Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centres. You are cordially invited to join us at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and see their work. Please mark your calendar for the opening night on Friday, 10th of June

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Where There is Life There is Hope

Saturday Night Q&A Session 30 APRIL – 7.30PM TO 9.30PM Wesley Kent Town Uniting Church 27 Grenfell St, Kent Town (Adelaide), South Australia What action can Christian women take to build hope in communities, churches, societies, and global contexts? Featuring: Penny Wong, Tanya Hosch, Geraldine Hawkes, Lorna Hallahan,Elenie Poulos & hosted by Julie McCrossin. Limited tickets

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FGM summit

Three Years Ago

This is a photo taken 3 years ago today of the last job I did before I discovered (the next day) that I had throat cancer. I was immediately scheduled to have a biopsy and an unanticipated side effect of the surgery was the temporary loss of my voice. So, within 2 or 3 days

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