Older News


These news items date from January 2010 back to February 2006. Beware: not all links may be operational.


Wild Women on Top16 Jan 10: On 16 January 2010 Julie walked 20kms along the glorious Sydney northern beaches coastline with friends from the trekking group Wild Women on Top. Julie, Cvet, Judy and Lisa (L to R) are members of a team called Coastango raising money for the Fred Hollows Foundation by supporting a fund raising walk called Coastrek being held on 5/6 March 2010. read more


Wild Women on Top Awards16 Nov 09: Women’s adventure group Wild Women on Top awarded Julie as their Most Inspiring walker for 2009. read more




The Re-Trial of GalileoW26 Oct 09: Julie played the Judge in The Re-Trial of Galileo staged by the University of NSW on 26 October 2009, filmed for ABC TV’s Compass. The staged re-trial also fetured Julian Burnside, Bob Carr, Geraldine Doogue and more celebrity participants. read more | download the flyer

read SMH article


Keep Them Safe Regional Engagement Tour NSW10 Sep 09: Senior management from government and non-government human services agencies, including health, police and education are invited to participate in a dialogue about the Keep Them Safe action plan.

A series of forums is being held around the state to discuss the impact of the reforms on mandatory reporters, their agencies and communities. go the KTS website


photo of Julie McCrossin's car11 Jul 09: From Fiat Romance to Ute Dreams: Julie is interviewed in the Drive section of the SMH and Age newspapers this week.

“It was a Fiat. It was 1972 and it was one model above the Bambino. It was little, square and fairly basic but I loved it … I remember it as my ticket to freedom. I was 17 and I had a little car of my own. It was fantastic.” read article


Diane Westaway27 Apr 09: In the latest issue of Life Etc, Julie interviews Diane Westaway, founder of adventure fitness group Wild Women on Top. read article

As regulars to the fun page of this site will know, Julie has become a Wild Woman. She plans to climb Mt Kosciusko and Mt Townsend in 2009.



Fred Hollows Foundation See the World Challenge16 Mar 09: Julie was guest speaker at an information night in Melbourne for the Fred Hollows Foundation’s See the World Challenge. Julie took part in the Challenge in 2005, spending nine days in remote areas of the Northern Territory. download Information Night flyer | see Julie’s 2005 photos


Dr Julie Hall22 Jan 09: Dr Julie Hall, the world expert on a possible pandemic, sounds a warning about the risk and recalls the personal battles she has fought to play a leading role on the scientific world stage.” Julie spoke to her for Life Etc magazine: “In March 2003 Dr Julie Hall was sitting with the leadership group at the operations centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva when the historic decision was made to issue the organisation’s first global alert for a frightening new disease.” read article


Andrew Denton21 Oct 08: TV talk show host, writer and producer Andrew Denton opened up when Julie recently interviewed him for ABC’s Life Etc magazine: “The creative source of all the best elements of Andrew Denton’s brilliant career in radio, television and film is the playful and happy family life he enjoyed growing up in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney and the abiding influence of his mother, Le and his father, Kit.” read article



18 Jul 08: Julie with statewide staff from the Victorian Aboriginal Childcare Agency in Melbourne where Julie ran a workshop on Presentations People Remember in July 2008. photo



detail of ageism flyer28 Apr 08: Julie hosts Ageing Disgracefully, a public forum on ageing and ageism in the GLBT community. Discover what’s really in the pot of “old” at the end of the rainbow as Julie dusts off the Zimmer Frame and frolics in life’s autumn mist with a panel including Justice Michael Kirby and Jane Marsden. flyer | photo


photo of Julie McCrossin and Dr Robert Zoa Manga31 Mar 08: At the launch of the Capacity Toolkit, Julie interviewed Dr Robert Zoa Manga about cultural diversity. The Toolkit is a comprehensive information resource for family, friends, carers, doctors, lawyers, finance staff and community workers involved with a person whose decision-making is in question. more photos


photo of Julie McCrossin and Sally Curtain5 Mar 08: Julie and Sally Curtain hosted IPAA’s International Women’s Day Celebrations in Melbourne, marking 100 years of women’s suffrage with interviews and the Women’s Circus.
more photos arrow symbol indicating clickthrough


photo of Karrie Webb6 Feb 08: Julie interviewed Karrie Webb for Life Etc magazine just before the champion golfer won her 4th Women’s Australian Open.

read the article arrow symbol indicating clickthrough.



5 Jan 08: Julie hosted a triple wedding ceremony in front of more than 20,000 complete strangers for the opening of Sydney Festival 2008.

Read more about the event here arrow symbol indicating clickthrough.



9 Nov 07: Professor Deborah Phillips and Julie onstage at the Communities for Children conference in Sydney. Professor Phillips is Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Department, Georgetown University, USA and Co-Director of the University’s Research Centre on Children – read more about her here. And you can read more about the conference here arrow symbol indicating clickthrough.


24 Oct 07: Harriet Wallace-Mead from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts and Julie were co-MCs of the KiDS CAN Awards 2007 for NAPCAN (National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. larger photo | KiDS CAN website arrow symbol indicating clickthrough



13 Aug 07: Julie writes about her nine day adventure holiday to the Northern Territory with the Fred Hollows Foundation for the Spring 07 issue of Selector Life Food Wine magazine. read the article




1 Jun 07: Julie had the following letter to the editor published in the Sydney Morning Herald:

One day it won’t just be the flags at the same height

“Driving across the Harbour Bridge on a glorious Sydney day, the sight of the national flag and the Aboriginal flag flying side by side and at equal height on top of the bridge filled my heart with joy and determination.

The joy comes from the way so many Australians demonstrated their support for a better life for Aboriginal people in the referendum we remember this week and in the more recent bridge walk with “sorry” written in the sky. The determination is to help support the people working to achieve the equality of life expectancy, educational performance and economic wellbeing that will translate the imagery of the flags into a life of hope for indigenous children.

Julie McCrossin, Annandale” read the letter online

17 Apr 07: She’s one of our most senior female politicians and one day she could have the top job. But what’s she really like? Julie McCrossin meets Julia Gillard in the latest Life etc magazine. read the article



16 Mar 07: Julie presents the documentary “Drinking for Two?” on the RHEF satellite network in June followed by DVD release. The video focuses on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, posing the question “Is it safe to drink at all when you’re pregnant?” more info including screening dates and times



18 Feb 07: Julie’s interview with Dr Chris Sarra, Director of the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute, appears in the latest Life etc magazine. The former award-winning principal of Cherbourg State School in Queensland is a man on a mission. read the article | see the full photo



10 Jan 07: Julie interviews internationally renowned Australian film director Phil Noyce for ABC magazine Life Etc this month. Noyce opens up about the motivation behind his cinematic explorations of violence and morality. read the article In the same issue, Julie also interviews leading Australian actor Kerry Armstrong. read the article



11 Nov 06: Julie McCrossin visiting Dr Chris Sarra (far left), Director of the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute, in Cherbourg, Queensland. Julie is writing a profile of Chris Sarra for Life Etc magazine for early 2007. see the full photo



03 Sep 06: As a new NAPCAN Ambassador, Julie is involved in various activities leading up to National Child Protection Week. In May 2006 Julie helped NAPCAN launch the Child Friendly Community Campaign. One of the speakers she introduced, Bilel Jideh, is the NAPCAN Young Ambassador. more



28 Aug 06: Julie MC’ed the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Network in the Australian Federal Police. Guests included Justice Michael Kirby, High Court of Australia.
see the full photo (large download)



16 Jun 06: Julie led a panel representing employee and employer perspectives on Work Life Balance – Rhetoric or Reality? for the Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria at the Melbourne Museum from 10am-11.30am – a free event. more


08 Jun 06: Julie was MC at the 25th Anniversary Dinner for Women in Engineering at University of Technology, Sydney. Julie interviewed seven alumni about their undergraduate experiences and life as professional engineers, then led a panel discussion on issues related to women in engineering. more



19 May 06: Julie facilitated a panel discussion for the launch of the NAPCAN Foundation’s Child Friendly Community Campaign 2006 at Cabramatta High School in Sydney. Students, teachers and community members addressed cross cultural issues relating to the safety and wellbeing of all young people. Julie is a NAPCAN Ambassador. more


07 Apr 06: Julie and Compeer Illawarra’s Mary Hyzdal at the Wollongong luncheon for the St Vincent de Paul program’s Community Challenge, which aims to educate 500 people about mental illness in 500 days through free four-hour workshops in schools, workplaces, clubs and other community groups in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Wingecarribee and Macarthur regions of NSW. more


12 Mar 06: Julie and Angela Catterns of Vega FM were Sydney MCs for the 40th Oxfam Australia Walk Against Want. “You really helped to create a warm, inclusive, lively & fun atmosphere which got walkers in the mood for what turned out to be a very entertaining and successful community event.” Daria O’Neill, NSW WAW Coordinator, Oxfam Australia. more WAW photos events diary


6 Mar 06: “Wanted to acknowledge your masterful facilitation of the Dept. of Health & Ageing Suicide Prevention Planning Forum [20-21 Feb]; your level of knowledge, astuteness of questioning, perceptiveness, sense of humour, and ability to really listen and process at high speed made a huge contribution.” Lifeline Australia. more testimonials


10 Feb 06: Similarities between Radio National and the higher education sector were a theme of Julie’s speech on 10 February at the Celebration of Excellence, the University of Canberra’s annual recognition of special teaching contributions and extended staff service. more coverage of the event

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